Who is Glen Cadigan?

Accounts vary. Some say he was found under a tree trunk after a winter storm. Others swear that he came to Earth as an advance scout for an alien species. Still others believe that he is the modern-day incarnation of their particular deity, and are waiting for his signal to trigger the end of the world.

He is either all of these things or none of these things. What we do know for certain is that he makes his living with words, so he can't be trusted to tell the truth.

Why should I subscribe to his newsletter?

Because it's convenient. Instead of checking in on social media sites, now the news about his upcoming projects will come directly to you.

How often is he going to bother me with these emails?

Not often. Frankly, writers don't produce a lot. It takes a long time to finish a project, so about as often as that. There will be updates along the way, but you're not going to get tired of hearing from him. It'll be more in the beginning, then less as time goes on.

What's the catch?

There isn't one.

Seriously, what's the catch?

He just hopes that you buy some of the things he writes, once in a while. Likes aren't a currency, and neither are retweets. They don't actually do anything, so in order for him to keep the lights on and food on the table, money has to change hands, usually in small doses over a period of time. In exchange for this money, people get books. Without the money, there are no more books. The newsletter helps people find out about those books.

I knew it! This is a scam!

The newsletter is free. Hopefully, its contents will be worth the price of admission. If you think that an upcoming project is suited to you, you can -- of your own free will -- buy it when it comes out. There's no obligation.

I thought we were friends! Friends don't ask friends for money!

Friends also support each other, right? But you don't have to buy anything. You can freeload, if you want. There will also be behind-the-scenes stories about past projects. If you're here, chances are you've bought something that he's done, and that'll be like bonus content.

Get your hand off my wallet, buddy!

Geez! Take a chill pill! The newsletter is free! If you want to buy something because you read about it in the newsletter, that's up to you. The cops aren't gonna come to your house if you don't.

I can't believe you've taken something as pure as the relationship between writer and reader and inserted something as crass as money into it.

Disillusionment never comes easy. (Well, it gets easier as you get older.)

If you're still willing to take a chance and subscribe to a free newsletter (think of it as home delivery, instead of heading out to the store to pick it up), you can do so in the box provided at the very top of this page.

Subscribe to 20th Century Refugee

A newsletter about upcoming (and past) publications by Glen Cadigan

